Quick answers to your frequently asked questions!
Do I need to reserve a spot in the class?
Yes, you must sign-up online in advance due to our class size being limited to 6 people. To reserve your spot, simply click on "sign-up" from the top menu, then click "sign-up now" beside the class that you would like to take on the scheduling page and follow the prompts to create a profile and reserve your spot. First class is $10.
Many of the classes are full, do you ever have any last-minute openings?
Yes, we often have last-minute openings due to late-cancels. Waitlist clients will be automatically moved into classes up to 1 hour before the class start time. If you are added to class you will be notified via email.
Do I have to create a profile to reserve a spot in the class?
Yes, in order to reserve a spot online, you must create a MindBody profile.
What if I cannot commit to coming to a class days in advance?
If you do not want to put yourself on a class list or the waitlist days in advance, then we suggest checking the scheduling page a few hours before class or the night before. Often times clients will "late cancel" themselves (meaning they cancelled within the 24 hour cancellation window), at this point waitlist clients are automatically moved into the class. If there is no one on the waitlist you will be able to register online for the class up to 30 minutes prior to start time.
I would like to attend the same class every week. Can I make a recurring reservation?
Yes. When making a reservation for a class the system will ask you if you would like to make a "single" reservation or a "recurring" reservation. Please click recurring.
Infinite and Heather rock!
"Wanna know the secret to losing pounds and inches? It's called Infinite Fitness! I joined Infinite in January of 2013. Prior to joining, I was at a plateau, the scale wouldn't budge no matter how much I dieted and exercised. In the first 9 weeks of working out 3x per week, I lost 10lbs! I've done weights, Pilates, The Bar Method, GRAVITY and Spin and I like them all. However it would take 4-5 hours to do it all in a day. At Infinite, I can achieve all of the above in a one hour workout session with Heather. She combines all of the above using the GTS gravity machine, while using the spin bikes in between sets. No routine is ever the same making it unique and interesting. The sessions are reasonable, the classes are fun. You get personalized attention. The members are great. I continue to see and feel the results of my workouts and that's what makes me wanna keep coming back. Infinite and Heather rock!"
- Luwain N.What if I have an Auto Pay Class package but have used all of my classes before the months end and want to attend a class?
Auto Pay Monthly members can purchase an “Auto Pay Add-On class" which can be purchased online. Extra classes for monthly members can be purchased for $15/class.
If I reserve a spot in a class, do I need to cancel my reservation if I can no longer attend?
Absolutely. We ask that you cancel your reservation as soon as you know that you will not be able to attend so that your spot opens up for a waitlist client or other clients looking to sign up. You would want someone else to do the same for you…do unto others baby!
How do I cancel myself out of a class?
Once signed in to your account, click the "Your Account" tab along the top of the browser window, Click "My Schedule" beneath the top tabs, Click "Cancel" or "Late Cancel" beside the class you can no longer attend.
Do you have a late cancel and/or no-show policy?
Yes. We require that you cancel yourself out of class 24-hours prior to the class start time if you fail to do so your account will be charged as if you had attended class. This is strictly enforced. NO EXCEPTIONS. You must cancel online or by calling 858-354-7987 within 1 hour of class start time to avoid being charged a No Show Fee. Our No Show Fee is $10. If you have purchased a monthly unlimited package you will lose a day for each Late Cancel and also charged the No Show Fee if applicable.
What happens if I sign up for a class in the morning, late cancel my morning class, but then would like to attend an afternoon or evening class?
Clients that have purchased a monthly class package can sign up for as many classes as they wish to in a single day. If you late cancel, a class is simply deducted from your package of classes. Unlimited Monthly members, however, can only reserve 1 spot a day. If you reserve a spot in an earlier class then you will not be allowed to sign up for a later class unless you buy an "Auto Pay Add-On class" which can be purchased online. Extra classes for monthly members can be purchased for $15/class. Late cancel fees(loss of day) will apply.
What if I have signed up for a later class and would like to attend an earlier class and the 24-hour late cancel window has passed?
Clients that have purchased a monthly class package can sign up for as many classes as they wish to in a single day. If you late cancel, a class is simply deducted from your package of classes. You will need to late cancel yourself out of the later class and add yourself to the earlier class. In this particular situation, you will have utilized two classes out of your pack/package.Unlimited Monthly members can only reserve 1 spot a day. If you would like to attend an earlier class, you must late cancel yourself out of the later class and then sign-up for the earlier class. Late cancel fees (loss of day) will apply. The only way to sign up for the earlier class is by purchasing an "Auto Pay Add-On class" which can be purchased online. Extra classes for Unlimited Monthly members are $15/class.If both classes are with the same instructor, and there is not a waitlist for the originally scheduled class, then it is up to the discretion of the instructor if the client needs to late cancel or if they can be manually cancelled out of the original class. In this case no fees will apply.

The atmosphere is inspirational! Infinite Fitness is the best!
"Infinite Fitness has changed my life. I have sporadically worked out throughout my life but nothing ever stuck until I started taking classes here. Heather makes working out fun and the results are outstanding. I am stronger now than I ever have been and I look forward to each and every class here. The studio is beautiful and bright. The atmosphere is inspirational! Infinite Fitness is the best!"
- Shawn E.The class I want to take is FULL many days in advance. Do you have a waitlist?
Yes! If you see that there are 0 open spaces for a class, you can add yourself to the waitlist. Many clients change their schedules and spots open up days in advance. Things are always changing so being on the waitlist does not mean that you will not get into class! When someone cancels out of a class the next person on the waitlist is automatically moved into the class. The waitlisted client is notified via email of their addition to the class. If you no longer wish to attend the class you must cancel yourself out of class so that the next person on the waitlist can be moved into class. If you are notified that you were moved into class prior to the 24 hour start time of class all late cancel and no show fees will apply.
What happens if I sign up for 1 class and put myself on the waitlist for another class?
If you have purchased a Monthly Class Package then you are basically reserving two spots in 1 day. If you get bumped into the class for which you waitlisted you will be expected to attend class. So remember to cancel yourself out of the original class 24 hours prior to the beginning of class if you no longer wish to attend class. If you have an Unlimited Monthly Membership you are allowed to sign up for one class per day.
If I sign up for the waitlist, do I need to cancel myself off the waitlist if I decide that I do not wish to attend?
Yes. If you decide not to attend the class you are waitlisted on PLEASE cancel yourself out so the next person will have the opportunity to attend. You would want someone else to do the same for you…do unto others baby!
How do I cancel myself off of the waitlist?
To remove yourself from the waitlist for a class, log into the MindBody system, click on the "My Profile" tab, then on the "My Schedule" link that will appear just underneath the tabs area. If you are on the Waitlist for a class, you should see a bold link in the top-right area of the window labeled "Wait List(#)", where the # symbol is the number of classes for which you are waitlisted. Click on this link, then click "CANCEL" next to the class you wish to no longer attend.
How far in advance do you suggest I sign up for the waitlist?
You can sign up for the waitlist weeks to days in advance. To increase your chances of getting into the class, we recommend that you sign up as early as possible. The earlier you place yourself on the waitlist, the better your chances are of being moved from the waitlist and placed in class.